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2 Lan Drive, Suite 120
Westford, MA 01886

Phone: 978-320-3400
Fax: 978-320-3411

Thank you for your inquiry - effective April 30, 2021, at 11:59 p.m., Bullwinkel & Brooks, LLC, ceased doing business. 

Attorney Kristin A. Bullwinkel can be reached at Bullwinkel Law Group, LLC, 2 Lan Drive, Suite 120, Westford, MA 01886, Phone:  978-320-3400, E-mail:  kristin@bullwinkellaw.com.

Attorney William F. Brooks, III, can be reached at the Law Offices of Scafidi Juliano, LLP, 75 Third Avenue, Second floor, Waltham, MA 02451, Phone:  781-210-4710, E-mail:  WBROOKS@SCAFIDIJULIANO.COM.

We each look forward to assisting you with your legal needs at our respective new offices.

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